intermediates (and their reactions)magnetic resonance, nuclear quadrupole resonance (organic substances)dithiole derivativesNois available for this article.doi:10.1002/chin.197339160WILLIAM E. JUN. GEIGERJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdChemischer Informationsdienst...
Redox-induced reversible P-P bond formation to generate an organometallic σ4λ4-1,2-biphosphane dication.irondimerizationmolecular electronics... A Tohmé,G Grelaud,G Argouarch,... - 《Angewandte Chemie International Edition》 被引量: 14发表: 2013年 Transition-metal derivatives of the cyclop...
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The genetic apparatus of the nucleus of eukaryotic cells is surrounded by the nuclear envelope containing ion channels with different biophysical properties. The channels responsible for calcium release from the nuclear envelope into the intranuclear space have attracted special attention. As we found, a...
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