Recently, a NEC SX-2 supercomputer was added and the computer network was extended. With this, NLR has at its disposal the world's most advanced general-purpose digital simulation facility. Up to now, the experiences with the SX-2 have been excellent.Hameetman, G. J....
A summary of the scalar performance of the CRAY X-MP/4, Fujitsu VP-200, and NEC SX-2 is given. The architecture, hardware and basic technology of SX-2 are ... RH Mendez 被引量: 5发表: 1986年 The Performance of the NEC SX-2 Supercomputer System Compated with that of the CRAY X...
Here we review the performance tuning strategies for an elastic wave propagation kernel on the NEC SX-Aurora TSUBASA vector computing system, adopting which the speed-up on a single Vector Engine card is observed to be up to 16x faster as compared to a 2-Socket Intel Xeon Skylake node, and...
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Results P4G4hEig2h/inEhSiAbhitigh5c-FeUlls-invdiaucEePd1/a2porpectoespistoorf CD- AanlldceEllPf2rapcrtoiotnesinesx, parsesssheodwPnGbEy2 receptor, EP1, Western blott- 2359 ing (Figure 1A). Thus, we analysed the effect of eCxDo4g4ehnigoh/uEsSPAGloEw,2 on 5-FU-induced CD44high/...
重新加焊 或者换对应面板的逻辑板试试 但我注意到一个细节 画面花了但osd没花 鉴于sx2262的逻辑板...
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