之后,公司名称更改为日本電気システム建設,并于2005年10月成为现在的公司名称NECネッツエスアイ。 “Nets”是Networks的缩写,“SI”是系统集成的缩写。与NEC集团公司、住友集团公司、大公司、都道府县、政府机关和海外等都有很多合作。 2006年4月,为加强网络业务,与NEC进行换股,NECテレネットワークス成为NEC...
Symphonict是NECNetsi的DX事业品牌。为专用区域提供了保障安全性的专网云型通信环境。通过与封闭连接移动通信服务"Nets wireless"组合,构筑了不与因特网连接的安全环境。 通过融合双方优势,Symphonict ZETA平台可通过云端提供全专网的ZETA通讯,在保障专用区域保有安全的专网云型通信环境的同时,为终端用户带来更加安全且低...
These fishes are also part of the commercial catch off California and are caught primarily by hook and line, and gill nets. This fish is sold mainly as fresh fillets or live in Chinese restaurants and fish markets; excellent for fish chips or for pan frying as fillets. It is also an ...
Întotdeauna mi s-a părut că viaţa e bună cu mine si că îmi dă ceea ce mi-am dorit, poate pentru că niciodată nu am stiut cu adevarat ce îmi doresc. Întotdeauna mi-am dorit iubirea, iubirea aceea cu … Citeste tot „Sens/Nonsens” Dincolo de ...
ssAetssP NprDop60e,r owffesipgrhint ggaeinth. eAr tu nPdNeDrw60e,n ot fbfsephrainvgio reailthters tiunngdoerwweenrte bseahcarvifiioceradl ftoerstfiansgt- socra wn ecryec lsiaccvrioflitcaemd mfoert rfya.stA‐slclarnem cyacinliicn vgoolfft...