Viverito said: “It seems to me the committee has enough latitude in how they break the quadrants up that they’d be able to put teams on opposite sides of the bracket fairly easily. I wasn’t in the room. I don’t know what challenges the committee faced when they came up with this...
Analysis of unpaired t-test of Pleuronectiformes versus each order are shown (***, P < 0.0001; ***, P < 0.001; **, P < 0.01; ns, not significant) duplication/deletion within coding gene regions, may also be a feature that explains genome size in teleost fishe...
histological grade, the effect of preoperative irradia- tion, nodal status, tumour location; and whether the overex- ELISA of EGFR protein in head and neck carcinomas ME Christensen et al 1488 pression of the receptor protein could be an independent prognostic indicator for recurrence and/or pati...