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RASMC大鼠主动脉平滑肌细胞 RBSMC大鼠脑动脉平滑肌细胞 MRMT-1大鼠乳腺癌细胞 HPASMC人肺动脉平滑肌细胞 DOHH-2人胸腔积液滤泡中心母细胞淋巴瘤细胞 SC-1小鼠胚细胞 WPE-int人正常前列腺上皮细胞 HaCAT人永生化表皮细胞 HSF人皮肤成纤维细胞株 CATH.a神经元细胞 SUP-M2人类间变性大细胞淋巴 M059J人神经...
R5F563NEDDFC PLQP0176KB-A 2 Mbytes 128 Kbytes 32 Kbytes 100 MHz -40 to +85°C R5F563NJHDFC PLQP0176KB-A*1 1.5 Mbytes 256 Kbytes 32 Kbytes 100 MHz -40 to +85°C R5F563NJDDFC PLQP0176KB-A*1 1.5 Mbytes 256 Kbytes 32 Kbytes 100 MHz -40 to +85°C R5F563NGHDFC PLQP0176...
官方说明书NEC FC98-NX Data Sheet FC98-NX NEC FC 240 W 280 D 110 H mm 66 FC-E21A / FC-E18M FC-FN002 ON/OFF 2 RGB RGBRGB ® PCI 2 FC-B14F FC-B10M ® ® ® ® Pentium M 738 1.4GHz Celeron M 373 1.0GHz NEC FC98-NX FC-B14F FC-B10M CPU CPU FC-B14F ® ...
(Necl-5-ΔCP), because we previously showed that this deletion mutant reduces the stimulatory effect of full-length Necl-5 on movement of L cells stably overexpressing Necl-5 and NIH3T3 and V12-Ki-Ras-NIH3T3 cells (15) and showed above that the extracellular region of Necl-5 interacts...
Int J Clin Exp Pathol 7(4):1286–1292 Yang WS, Stockwell BR (2008) Synthetic lethal screening identifies compounds activating iron-depend- ent, nonapoptotic cell death in oncogenic-RAS-harboring cancer cells. Chem Biol 15(3):234–245. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemb...