Chapter 229: Right Now (Teaser)In The Lost World, there were elements called the Ten Ancient Relics. These were known to have particularly significant influence among the ancient relics, but to Sung-Woon, it felt like they were just conveniently laid out.0 'The three most popular castles ...
Chapter 310: Created This Fate Myself (Teaser)Aldin thought, 'But as long as the game has an element of luck to it, there's a chance Nebula could lose. There's no guarantee that I will definitely lose.'0 With this thought, Aldin felt somewhat relieved. Aldin knew Sung-Woon. Sung-...
Chapter 287: Oppressive Fate Play (Teaser)Sung-Woon opened his eyes. "Aldin." "There's nothing more to explain."0 "As I said before, I can't quit the game."0 Aldin sighed deeply.0 "Damn it." Aldin said, "Don't make things difficult, Nebula."1 "Even if I believe your promise...
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Life Rebooted with Copy and Paste is out now! 2 days ago Show more Wuxiaworld's 10 Year Anniversary! 6 days ago Show more An error has occurred Reload Details: A network error has occurred
Chapter 326 (Teaser)On the day of the Mafia game, those who agreed to participate in the Mafia game were seated around a round table at the top of the Tower of Beginnings in the Hall of Myriad Stars.0 Sung-Woon had just finished explaining the rules of the Mafia game. "...Those ...