Nebraska Indian Tribes Plan Legislative Strategies for Gaming Rights.(Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News)Humphrey, Kay
Spirit Mound was known as Paha Wakan by tribes before Lewis & Clark ever came to the area. The people of the Omaha, Oto and Yankton tribes believed the mound was occupied by little people who shot any human who came near. This was a sacred site for several Plains Indian tribes. Some ...
Nebraska’s demographics are mostly White (76.9%), followed by Hispanic or Latino (13.8%), Black or African American (5.4%), Asian (2.8%), two or more races (2.5%), American Indian or Alaskan Native (1.6%), and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islanders (0.1%). In 2021, the median...
Wedel and Parks note that “among Plains Indian tribes, the Pawnees …. were unique in their belief in a celestial cosmogony and human descent from stars,” Wedel & Parks, “Pawnee Geography,” p. 143. For useful discussions of Pawnee lunar theology, see Huffman and Earley, “Caddoan Arch...
From 1825-1892, 18 different treaties forced Nebraskan tribes to cede their land to the government and relocate to Indian Territory or other reservations. After Ponca Chief Standing Bear and others returned to Nebraska to bury his son and were arrested and imprisoned, he filed suit in the 1879...
Indian children in out-of-home care is difficult due to the lack of approved culturally tailored EBPs. Although the FFPSA has a provision that exempts Title IV-E tribes from adherence to the EBP standard, most tribes are not direct Title IV-E agencies and continue to be subject to the ...
Various prehistoric peoples inhabited Nebraska as early as 8000bce. In the 19th century, semisedentaryNative Americanpeoples, most notably theOmaha,Oto,Pawnee, andPonca, lived in eastern and central Nebraska. The west was thedomainof the Brulé and Oglala TetonSioux, but other tribes, such as ...
in August 1898 an Indian congress—uniting hundreds of Native Americans from more than 30 tribes—was also held in Omaha. In the late 1890s, prosperity had returned to Omaha, and by the turn of the century Omaha had a population of about 100,000, while South Omaha had about 26,000 resi...
Various prehistoric peoples inhabited Nebraska as early as 8000bce. In the 19th century, semisedentaryNative Americanpeoples, most notably theOmaha,Oto,Pawnee, andPonca, lived in eastern and central Nebraska. The west was thedomainof the Brulé and Oglala TetonSioux, but other tribes, such as ...
Native American tribes, seeing their hunting grounds reduced by the encroachment of white settlers in the Northwest Territory, gathered under the banner of the Northwest Indian Confederation. In 1791 they delivered a stunning defeat to an American military expedition that had been sent to pacify the...