With the introduction of the horse, the Pawnees and Omahas changed their hunting style to use horses on buffalo hunts in western and central Nebraska. Nomadic tribes developed their culture around the horse, using the animal for transportation and following bison. Colonial History Both Spain and ...
We radiocollared female white-tailed deer in this region during February 1995–March 1996 to determine the effects of phenological seasons and archery and muzzleloader hunting on space use. Mean size of annual home ranges of 50 radiocollared female deer was 275 ha (range = 18–4,265...
OMAHA STRONGMEN Chapter 1: The Cowboy Mayor Twenty-year Omaha Mayor “Texas Jim” Dahlman earned his reputation for fearlessness, and the respect of a crime boss, by hunting lost cattle in a Sandhills blizzard. By Ron L. Jackson, Jr. Chapter 2: The Old Gray Wolf Crime boss Tom Denniso...
September hunting seasonssurvivalPopulations of temperate-nesting Canada geese (Branta canadensis) have increased in Nebraska, USA, resulting in an increased number of nuisance and damage complaints. September hunting seasons were initiated in southeastern Nebraska in 2004 to reduce populations of Canada ...
2011b . Effects of seasons and hunting on space use by female white-tailed deer in a developed landscape in southeastern Nebraska . Wildlife Society Bulletin 35 ( 3 ): 220 – 226 .Hygnstrom, S. E., K. C. VerCauteren, S. R. Groepper, G. W. Garabrandt, and J. A. Gubanyi. ...