Can the ligation reaction produced by the Instant Sticky-end Ligase Master Mix be directly used to transform electrocompetent cells? The recommended volume for an Instant Sticky-end Ligase Master Mix reaction is 10ul. I like to set-up my ligation reactions in a 20 ul volume. Can I scale-up...
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Instant Sticky-end Ligase Master Mix M0370S 50 rxns ¥1,149 ¥804 Quick Ligation™ Kit M2200L 150 rxns ¥4,569 ¥3,198 Quick Ligation™ Kit M2200S 30 rxns ¥1,009 ¥706 Quick Ligation™ Kit M2200V 15 rxns ¥509 ¥356 产品名称 货号 规格 目录价 促销价 购买 Blue Protein...
Do thermostable DNA ligases (such as Taq DNA Ligase, 9°N DNA Ligase, and HiFi Taq DNA Ligase) ligate sticky ends? 问题解决指南 Troubleshooting Tips for Ligation Reactions 此条目由Wako和光纯药中国发表在neb酶分类目录,并贴了amp、dna、neb、x、连接酶标签。将固定链接加入收藏夹。 标签...
Instant Sticky-end Ligase Master Mix Specially formulated to instantly ligate 2-4 basepair overhangs! Just add DNA, flick the tube, and ligation occurs instantly! No need for incubation. Blunt/TA Ligase Master Mix Specially formulated to ligate single-base and blunt ends in just 15 minutes Qu...
M0370LInstant Sticky-end Ligase Master Mix250 rxns4,569 M0370SInstant Sticky-end Ligase Master Mix50 rxns1,149 产品: 您的单位: 您的姓名: 联系电话: 常用邮箱: 省份: 请选择您所在的省份安徽北京福建甘肃广东广西贵州海南河北河南黑龙江湖北湖南吉林江苏江西辽宁内蒙古宁夏青海山东山西陕西上海四川天津新疆西藏...
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