It allows the efficient computation of many large scale structure observables for a wide class of gravity and dark energy models. The package is made up of 5 folders: reactions : contains all the c++ source code for the calculations. Specifically, these can be found in reactions/src. py...
Jacobsenb a Department of Chemistry, Box 351700, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 981951700 b CAMP, Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark To whom correspondance should be addressed, e-mail 385 NUDGED ELASTIC BAND METHOD 387...
Figure 4. O ii Grotrian diagram obtained with the plotGrotrian method of the Atom class. O2 = pn.Atom(’O’,2) O2.plotGrotrian() in particular the 3729/3726 density-sensitive doublet. In the context of nebular physics, the accuracy of the A-values for O ii and S ii have been pre...
Figure 4. O ii Grotrian diagram obtained with the plotGrotrian method of the Atom class. O2 = pn.Atom(’O’,2) O2.plotGrotrian() in particular the 3729/3726 density-sensitive doublet. In the context of nebular physics, the accuracy of the A-values for O ii and S ii have been pre...