近视myopia/ nearsightedness / shortsightedness 远视hyperopia/ farsightedness/ longsightedness 散光astigmatism 隐形眼镜contact lenses 无框眼镜rimless glasses 眼科医生eye doctor/ophthalmologist 视...
At the same time, kids who spent more than three hours a day while not at school reading or looking at a screen close-up were four times more likely to have myopi a than those who spent an hour or less doing so.Fortunately, just a few minutes a day with glasses that correct blur ...
根据最后一段“Fortunately, just a few minutes a day with glasses that correct blur stops the progression of myopia, which is why early vision testing and vision correction are important to limit the development of myopia.(幸运的是,每天只要戴几分钟矫正模糊的眼镜就能阻止近视的发展,这就是为什么...
Myopia 的矫正方法主要包括以下几种: 眼镜(Eyeglasses): 这是最常见的矫正方法,可以有效地改善视力。眼镜可以根据个人的度数进行定制,佩戴舒适且方便。 隐形眼镜 (Contact lenses): 隐形眼镜可以提供比眼镜更清晰的视野,并且更加美观。但是,隐形眼镜需要正确的佩戴和护理,否则可能会引起感染或其他并发...
Young Woman Finds It Difficult To Choose Between Glasses and Contact Lenses Petryshin1984 Closeup Shooting of Narrowing of Pupil Changing of Brown Eye Pupil Size volv52 Closeup face of a senior woman's eye with glasses to improve her vision YuriArcursPeopleimages Closeup of a Lightblue Eye Bli...
Glasses, also known as eyeglasses or spectacles, are vision aids, consisting of glass or hard plastic lenses mounted in a frame that holds them in front of a person's eyes, typically utilizing a bridge over the nose and arms which rest over the ears. Glasses are typically used for vision...
At the same time, kids who spent more than three hours a day while not at school reading or looking at a screen close-up were four times more likely to have myopi a than those who spent an hour or less doing so.Fortunately, just a few minutes a day with glasses that correct blur ...
Myopia can usually be corrected easily with glasses, contact lenses, or surgery, but even still nearsighted people are at a higher risk of glaucoma (青光眼), retinal detachment, and cataracts. The condition’s sheer pervasiveness has made researchers wonder about its causes. Scientists have propose...
concavelensescompensate for the refractive error and help to focus the image on the retina. Hard corneal contact lenses or soft hydrophilic contact lenses are another option, usually offering better acuity and peripheral vision than do eyeglasses. (Contact lenses may be troublesome for people who ...
Fortunately, just a few minutes a day with glasses that correct blur stops the progression of myopia, which is why early vision testing and vision correction are important to limit the development of myopia. (1) What can we learn from the study on baby chickens? A . Myopia in chicks is...