prognostic uncertainties, and challenges to end-of-life (EOL) care. Acute brain injuries place these patients at risk for underrecognized symptoms and unmet EOL management needs, which can negatively affect their quality of care and lead to complicated grief in surviving loved ones. To care for ...
On the basis of a case study, the complex problems of an invasive therapy (gastroscopy with stentig) in an end of life situation will be demonstrated and discussed. The main problems of the 67-year-old patient with a were the symptoms of... SA Schatz-Krienzer,F Nauck - 《Wiener Medizi...
Finally, palliative care at the end of life requires determining the need for a medical proxy, advance directives, and resuscitation status. Physical pain, as well as substantial emotional, spiritual, and social misery, may be present in patients throughout their final hours and days. As death ...
Use of medication by nursing home residents nearing end of life: A preliminary report. Journal of Nursing Research. 2010; 18 (3):199–205. [ PubMed ]Chen I-C , Liu M-L , Twu F-C , Yuan C-H . Use of medication by nursing home residents nearing end of life: a preliminary report...