Musical past and present in one rambling run-on sentence:i got a guitar when i was 21 wrote my 1st song at 18.. put the pieces together when i was about 24….. spend most of my musical journey trying to figure out which song I wrote to teach to the band next. I’m currently to...
If e is the leftmost edge off a non-root node of down degree at least 2, assign the label U. If e is the rightmost edge off a non-root node of down degree at least 2, assign the label D. If e is the only edge off a non-root node of degree 1, assign the label I. If e...
If e is the leftmost edge off a non-root node of down degree at least 2, assign the label U. If e is the rightmost edge off a non-root node of down degree at least 2, assign the label D. If e is the only edge off a non-root node of degree 1, assign the label I. If e...