Ratio AutoMpg 74 11557.0 816.4 0.006 Boston 691 9175.8 739.4 0.075 Employee 1125 34236.0 1600.1 0.033 Machine 167 4070.2 359.2 0.041 Windsor 1328 15302.0 970.2 0.087 The experiments were performed with 10-fold cross-validation. For monotone near- est neighbour this was done as follows. For each ...
Calculate the individual income tax (IIT) payable and the amount to be borne by the general manager (as employee) if: (1) Company B bears the fixed amount of RMB 20,000 of the total IIT payable by the general manager; and (2) Company B bears 20% of the total IIT payable by the ...
Advise the managing director as to the additional amount of income tax and national insurance contributions (both employee’s and employer’s) that will be payable as a result of the payment of the additional director’s remuneration of £40,000. Note: You are not expected to recalculate Mice...
(i) In respect of Company T’s transactions for November 2013, state, giving reasons, those transactions on which value added tax (VAT) will not be charged or for which a VAT credit will not be allowed. (5 marks) (ii) Calculate the VAT payable by Company T for the month of November...
(i) In respect of Company T’s transactions for November 2013, state, giving reasons, those transactions on which value added tax (VAT) will not be charged or for which a VAT credit will not be allowed. (5 marks) (ii) Calculate the VAT payable by Company T for the month of November...