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When you want to buy a shoe, you must make sure that it would fit you just fine. Thus, it better fit at the store. This is one of those rare instances when it is a bit scary to buy online because you won’t really know whether it will fit you or not. If it does not fit yo...
【1】Where is the nearest clothes store A.It’s behind the bank. B.It’s next to the bank. C.It’s across from the bank. 【2】What does Mary want to buy for her mother A.A dress. B.A shirt. C.A skirt. 【3】When is Mary’s mother’s birthday ... B.shoe’ D.shoe’s查看答案更多“Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest ()shop?”相关的问题 第1题 --- Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the Linden Street?--- ___ --- Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the Linden Street? --- ___ A...
HowcanIgettothenearestbank 教学目标 1.知识目标 ⑴进一步掌握方位介词及介词词组:oppositeto,infrontof,nextto,between…and…,behind ⑵指路及问路的相关句型:Excuseme,canyoutellmethewayto…?Excuseme,whichisthewayto…?/How canIgetto…?Walkalongtheroadandturnleft/right at…It’sopposite/infrontof/next...
职高英语unit-8-How-can-I-get-tothe-nearest-bank-period-2 Readmaps Walkalongthisroad.Turnrightatthefirstcrossroads.Thezooisonyourleft.Readmaps Turnleftatthefirstcrossroads.Goacrosstheroad.Walkalongthisroad.Themuseumisin frontofyou.Crosstheroad.AsktheWay 1.Couldyoutellme_th_e__w_a_y__t_o__...
【1】Where is thenearestclothes store A.It’s behind the bank. B.It’s next to the bank. C.It’s across from the bank. 【2】What does Mary want to buy for her mother A.A dress. B.A shirt. C.A skirt. 【3】When is Mary’s mother’s birthday ...
unit-8-How-can-I-get-to-the-nearest-bank UNIT8 HowcanIgettothenearestbank?HowcanIgettothenearestbank 1.知识目标 ⑴进一步掌握方位介词及介词词组:oppositeto,infrontof,nextto,between…and…,behind⑵指路及问路的相关句型:Excuseme,canyoutellmethewayto…?Excuseme,whichisthewayto…?/HowcanIgetto...