从句中主语是you,把are heading for,意为“前往”,宾语是your nearest branch of Waterstones,branch牛津解释:a local office or shop/store belonging to a large company or organization,分支,分部,分行,分店。从句的主干译为:你正前往离你最近的水石分店。到这里,Waterstones是什么我还不知道,一个专有名词,...
The NNP (nearest neighbor problem) is central to the solution of many practical applications. Also known as the “Post Office Problem,” it describes the need to find among a group of known positions, the point closest to some randomly chosen probe position. Obvious uses for such an algorithm...
Cont. ŏ ŏ 45cm ŏ 7DJ ŏ 360cm ŏ 7DJ 7DJ ŏ 40cm ŏ ŏ 7DJ 7DJ ŏ 5HIHUHQFHWDJ 480cm ŏ ŏ ŏ 7DUJHWWDJ [Office2]: This figure should be delet Sensors 2017, 17, 1806 Sensors 2017, 17, 1806 Sensors 2017, 17, 1806...