Public transport mostly exists in Uganda through boda bodas (motorcycle taxis) or matutus (shared minibuses). It is likely that when accessing health services further away or when in need of particular medical attention that motorised transport of some form would be used. However, we did not a...
With the recent popularity of cloud\ncomputing, users now have the opportunity to outsource their data as well as\nthe data management tasks to the cloud. However, due to the rise of various\nprivacy issues, sensitive data (e.g., medical records) need to be encrypted\nbefore outsourcing ...
(n=10) and/or severe shortness of breath (n=3) and/or the presence of a thrombus in the right parts of the heart or deep veins of the lower extremities (n=2), in addition, in a number of medical records, the cause is indicated as "for health reasons " (n=6) or there were ...
collected through an active standardized search procedure by the French Network of Cancer Registries, based on requests to the “Répertoire National d’Identification des Personnes Physiques” [RNIPP] and, if necessary, other sources of information (including medical records or birthplace public ...
Physical therapy is a type of health rehabilitation practice that aims to reduce pain and improve motor function, promoting recovery from injury, medical intervention, and age-related loss of mobility. Recommendation systems play an important role in enabling personalized healthcare and, thus, can be...
Despite many advances in medical equipment, the traditional analog stethoscope remains the main diagnostic tool used by physicians in lung auscultation. In modern society, factors such as air pollution, unbalanced diets, excessive stress, and abnormal sleep patterns have resulted in more people ...