Solved Examples on Rounding to the Nearest Hundredth Calculator Example 1: Round off the number 16.656 to the nearest hundredth. Solution: The 3rd digit after the decimal point of the number 16.656 is 6 The number 6 is greater than 5, so, we need to add 1 in the digit that is at the...
Rounding Decimals Nearest whole unit, tenth, hundredth, and/ or thousandth.Similar to the above listing, the resources below are aligned to related standards in the Common Core For Mathematics that together support the following learning outcome:...
Rounding to the nearest hundredth means finding an approximate value of a given decimal up to two decimal places. Learn the definition, steps with examples.
Rounding Decimals Nearest whole unit, tenth, hundredth, and/ or thousandth.Similar to the above listing, the resources below are aligned to related standards in the Common Core For Mathematics that together support the following learning outcome:...
To round a decimal number we have to look at the number after the one we want to round to. If we have to round to the nearest tenth, we focus on the digit in the hundredths place. If we have to round to the nearest hundredth, we focus on the digit in the thousandths place. If...
Omni covered them all (at least, we think so: leave us a message if you think we can do better) in this useful collection of tools: Round to the nearest thousand calculator; Round to the nearest thousandth calculator; Round to the nearest ten calculator; Round to the nearest hundredth ...
Round to the nearest hundredth calculator; Round to the nearest tenth calculator; Round to the nearest integer calculator; Round to the nearest dollar calculator; Round to the nearest cent calculator; and Round to the nearest penny calculator. FAQs What is 22 rounded to the nearest ten? 22 rou...
Have you ever seen the directions, round to the nearest cent?" These directions are actually asking you to round to the nearest hundredth. Remember that the hundredths place is two moves from the right of the decimal point.To round to the nearest hundredth, we use the thousandths place to ...
Rounding to the nearest decimal place value will help you do that. Learning how to round to the nearest hundredth or whole number will help you when shopping. If I had $20 and I wanted to buy two things that cost me 12.99 and 7.99 then I can estimate without figuring out the exact ...
解析 Convert 143(24)/(29) to a decimal.143.8275862Find the number in the thousandth place 7 and look one place to the right for the rounding digit5. Round up if this number is greater than or equal to 5 and round down if it is less than 5.143.828 ...