It's a big statue of a soldier. You ca n't miss it. ok. Where do I go then? you'll see the national bank near the war me morial. It's a big building and you'll see a bi g sign on the front of the building. got it. T hank you very much. ...
The first-place runner was two laps (圈) ahead of me when she crossed the finish line. "Maybe I should (42) ," I thought as I moved on. (43) , I decided to keep going. During the last two laps, I ran (44) and decided not to (45) in track next year. It wouldn’t be ...
bank left second post office long fifteen A:Excuseme.HowcanIgettoHowcanIgettothenearest___? B:GoalongtheroadandturnGoalongtheroadandturn___atthefirsttrafficlights.Thentakethe ___turnontherightright. A:Isitbytheroadside? B:Yes.It’sjustbesidea___. A:How___willittakemetogetthere? B:Ab...
Unit-8-How-can-I-get-to-the-nearest-bank 1.Lookandmatch.___trafficlight___thesecondturn___turnright___road___crossroads___turnleft___goacrosstheroad 穿过,通过 2.Lookandchoose.a.Goacrosstheroad.c.Turnleftatthecrossroads.e.Turnleftatthefirsttrafficlight.b.Turnright.d.Takethesecondturnon...
If you want to go to the shop, just go down Zhongshan Road and turn right at the first traffic light. The shop is on your right. Opposite to the shop is a post office. There is a hospital near our school, too. First, go down Zhongshan Road and take the first turn on the left....
right at the first traffic lights. The shop is on your right . Opposite to the shop is a post office, There is a hospi tal near our school, too. First, go down the Zhongshan Road and take the first turn on the left. Then turn righ ...
Alice, who grew up to be my mother, told me that after her mother’s death her family was too poor to even afford to give her a doll. In December 2012, I had a job at a local bank. One afternoon, we were decorating the tree in the bank lobby(大厅). One of my customers ...
At mid afternoon York set off back, leaving Westmoreland to follow behind, our intention being to see if we could moor on the bank of the Aire behind the Jug Inn at Chapel Haddesley. The rain had now just about stopped. The Jug is just off the A19, about half a mile downriver...