Nearby Share is already pre-installed on Android devices with Android 6 and above, so you do not need an additional app on your Android device. However, you will need to download and install the app on your Windows PC. Once installed, make sure your Windows PC is visible to your Android...
Nearby Share让用户可以将文件在Android设备之间互传,作为Google系统之一,此实用功能也同时对应ChromeOS计算机,不过Windows计算机却一直未获支持。去年Google在CES大会宣布会推出Nearby Share的Windows版本,但一直等到今年4月才推出Beta版,而且只限美国用户试用。日前Google终于将Nearby Share的Windows程序,向美国以外的市场...
更新:2023年7月22日,Nearby Share for Windows 正式版本发布。 Nearby Share for Windows适配 Android 原生附近分享(Nearby Share)功能的 Windows 客户端,可以更方便的在 Android 与 Windows 间传输文件。@Appinn Nearby Share 是一个随原生 Android 的系统功能,它可以在 Android 设备以及 ChromeOS 之间传输文件与应用。
You can visitnearshare.shortdev.defor download and setup instructions. Tip For other platforms have a look at theother repositories! Building This project consists of.NET 8library andAndroidprojects. You can use theVisual Studiosolution or thedotnetcli to build and deploy the app: ...
最近,谷歌发布了适用于Windows PC平台的Android Nearby Share应用的测试版。 这款应用的推出是为了提供一种在你自己的设备之间快速共享文件更简单的方法,最终它将登陆Windows。 这家搜索引擎巨头早在2020年就推出了Nearby Share应用,以实现更轻松、更快的文件共享,现在正扩大到包括PC平台。
在最新更新中Google将Nearby Share以beta版支持,拓展到全球众多市场的Windows设备。只要在PC下载并安装Nearby Share Beta版App,就可以在发送到邻近Android设备,或是根据Android设备可视性设置(device visibility)偏好发送文件到PC。 根据Google说明,欲在PC和Android设备间发送文件,除了PC需安装Nearby Share App,两台设备也...
1. Is Nearby Share on Mac safe? NearDrop is an open-source app that allows you to access the source code to check for malware. The app is safe, and you can use it to transfer data from your Android phone to your Mac. 2. Is Nearby Share the same as AirDrop?
Nearby Share Beta目前还没有下载渠道,请等稍后更新 Wireless sharing with your PC, made easy. Send and receive photos, documents and more between nearby Android devices1 and Windows PCs2. To get started, install Nearby Share Beta for Windows to your PC. Send yourself the link to download it.... The New Nearby Share Beta App for Windows | Android
Privacy and security are paramount with Google Nearby Share. The feature gives you control over who can send files to you, with options to set visibility to all contacts, some contacts, or completely hidden. Additionally, all transfers are encrypted, providing a secure environment for sharing sens...