多平台下载 Android版 三星附近设备扫描软件(Nearby device scanning) v11.1.14.7 安卓版 包名:com.samsung.android.easysetup MD5:a239de9d58da6ce7d4134bb59babedf9 共0人参与互动,查看所有0条评论>网友评论 (您的评论需要经过审核才能显示) 玩家QQ群号:827779939 我来说两句... 提交评论查看所有0条评论>>相关...
appId=com.samsung.android.easysetup&cId=000005753768 (Click links on your smartphone to be taken straight to app page. Update to nearby device scanning feature for Samsung Galaxy Samrtphones for easy and solid connections to other samsung accessories such as Galaxy Watch series, galaxy tablets, ear...
NearBy Device Scanning App is used to setup / pair the devices( BT/BLE devices) like TV, Hearables, Watch to the mobile phone. - Show pop-up to the mobile user with the information about the supp...
Basically, before Android 12, the ability to scan for nearby Bluetooth or Wi-Fi devices were tied to Android's broader "location" permission. The reason this was the case makes sense: You can definitely track a device by inferring what Bluetooth devices or Wi-Fi networks are nearby or are ...
Why can a device receive an onFound/onLost event from a peer device during data transmission with the device? Scanning and transmission may use different technologies at the same time. For example, Wi-Fi may be used for transmission and Bluetooth may be used for scanning. Therefore, you need...
可以通过开发者控制面请求更多配额 int STATUS_MESSAGE_BLE_BROADCASTING_UNSUPPORTED Message API操作依赖于BLE广播,但是当前不支持此功能 int STATUS_MESSAGE_BLE_SCANNING_UNSUPPORTED Message API操作依赖于BLE扫描,但是当前不支持此功能 int
Nearby Share is an Android file-sharing solution that makes it easy to share content device-to-device. You can share large files betweenGalaxy devicesas well as some other Android phones, with Google stating that the feature will eventually roll out to all phonesrunning Android 6.0or later. ...
A tool for scanning nearby devices and execute command when the target device comes in between range.. NOTE:- RadareEye Owner will be not responsible if any user performs malicious activities using this tool. Use it for Learning purpose only. ...
fun stopScanning() { Nearby.getDiscoveryEngine(context) .stopScan() } Finally, once the scan is complete and the user (or your code) has selected a device, you'll need to initiate the connection: Code: //Connect to a device. This should be called ...
When you open the site, it automatically generates a unique handle for you, along with a QR code for the page. Put any text you want in the text box and click Save. On your other device, type the URL with the unique handle, or scan the QR code with your camera to be taken direct...