Find Restaurants, ATM, Hotels, Bar, Bank, WiFi using your GPS around your current location with this easy to use app. How many times have you had a need to find a Gas Station in the middle of a trip or to locate the nearest ATM in a city which you are new to? Find Near Me ...
(ATM) has been a big (159) and credit and debit cards have created new financial spaces. (160) the bank branch has remained the bedrock of the banking system after all a person needs a bank account in a branch before he can operate a debit or ATM card. This may be about to change...
The PayNearby app offers a wide range of digital services AEPS is a bank-led model which allows online interoperable transactions with PoS (MicroATM) using the Aadhaar authentication service. Aadhaar Pay is a payment system that allows merchants to collect payments from a customer using t...
Find places Nearby & Around Me with this simple app! Find Restaurants, ATM, Hotels, Bar, Bank, WiFi using your GPS around your current location with this easy to use app. How many times have you had a need to find a Gas Station in the middle of a trip or to locate the nearest ATM...