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网络近中性 网络释义 1. 近中性 ... 12647目标值的三种选择:一个是经G7论证的"近中性(near-neutral)"方法,另外一个是经FOGRA/ECI/bvdm工艺论证的TV…|基于2个网页 例句
We also, for the first time, report the origin of the decayed charge/discharge behavior of near-neutral FZABs, which can be ascribed to the precipitates of Zn(NH 3 ) 2 Cl 2 and Zn 5 (OH) 8 Cl 2 H 2 O on the zinc electrode to form a passivation layer. This study paves an ...
1) Near-neutral soil 近中性土壤1. The corrosion mechanism is discussed,in near-neutral soils,oxygen is deoxidized and OH-ions are created in cathode area,iron is oxidized and the hydration of Fe2+ ions is created with water from soil in anode area,and Fe2+ are converted into more steady...
2) near neutral pH solution 近中性pH值溶液 3) weakly acidic pH 近中性 1. The dispersed rosin size CEN-3 was used to size base coated paper in theweakly acidic pH. 采用分散松香胶CEN3在铜版原纸上实现了在近中性抄纸系统的施胶,施胶效果稳定,泡沫少,同时可明显降低施胶成本。
complexationnear-neutral solutionspeciationspectrophotometryabsorbancesolubilitystability constantA spectroscopic study of Np(VI) was performed in carbonate solutions. The characteristic absorption bands were observed at 625, 670 and 703 nm and examined for the dependence on pH and carbonate concentration. The...
We demonstrate high faradaic and electrolytic efficiency and high rate operation in a near-neutral electrolyte of NaBr in water, whereby bromide is electro-oxidized to bromate concurrent with hydrogen evolution in one cell, and bromate is chemically reduced to bromide in a catalytic reaction that ...
This paper highlights the issues which need to be addressed in undertaking accurate calculations of multi‐electron atoms and ions, particularly at or near the neutral end of an isoelectronic sequence. We illustrate the processes through two calculations—of transitions in Cl I and Sn II—and discu...
1) near-neutral pH 近中性pH值1. SCC of X-65 pipelines in near-neutral pH soil solution is investigated by slow strain rate tests(SSRT) and cyclic loading tests. 以X-65管线钢近中性pH值溶液(实际土壤溶液)为研究对象,通过慢应变速率拉伸(SSRT)和应力波动的实验研究,评价X-65管线钢在近中性pH值...
1) near neutral pH SCC 近中性pHSCC2) High pH SCC 高pHSCC3) weakly acidic pH 近中性 1. The dispersed rosin size CEN-3 was used to size base coated paper in the weakly acidic pH. 采用分散松香胶CEN3在铜版原纸上实现了在近中性抄纸系统的施胶,施胶效果稳定,泡沫少,同时可明显降低施胶...