The enhancement of separation processes and electrochemical technologies such as water electrolysers1,2, fuel cells3,4, redox flow batteries5,6 and ion-capture electrodialysis7 depends on the development of low-resistance and high-selectivity ion-transport membranes. The transport of ions through thes...
The enhancement of separation processes and electrochemical technologies such as water electrolysers, fuel cells, redox flow batteries and ion-capture electrodialysis depends on the development of low-resistance and high-selectivity ion-transport membranes. The transport of ions through these membranes ...
近日,中国科学技术大学徐铜文/杨正金教授团队与合作者在国际顶级学术期刊《Nature》上发表题为“三嗪框架聚合物膜内近无摩擦的离子传导(Near-frictionless ion transport within triazine framework membranes)”研究。研究团队针对离子膜普遍存在的“传导性-选择性”相互制约关系,提出一类新型三嗪框架聚合物离子膜。基于刚性通...
The enhancement of separation processes and electrochemical technologies such as water electrolysers, fuel cells, redox flow batteries and ion-capture electrodialysis depends on the development of low-resistance and high-selectivity ion-transport membranes. The transport of ions through these membranes depe...