) on the left-hand side (指车辆、 道路或动物的部分)左边的 the nearside front wheel, door, lane of traffic, etc 左前轮、 左边的门、 左边的车道 the near foreleg of a horse 马的左前腿 He didn´t see the car approaching on his nearside. 他没有看见左边来的汽车. Cf 参看 offside2....
An automobile has headlights each forming part of a headlight module that is incorporated within the nearside or offside wing. The wing has a socket for the detachable headlight module.Opperbeck, Guido, Dipl.-Ing.Adler, StefanBauer, Vitalii...
An automobile has headlights each forming part of a headlight module that is incorporated within the nearside or offside wing. The wing has a socket for the detachable headlight module.OPPERBECK, GUIDOADLER, STEFANBAUER, VITALIIHAFNER, UDO
The safety vehicle is fitted with a driver's door on the offside and two passenger doors on the nearside. The rear passenger door gives access to the rear seats and ensures that passengers do not step out off the car into traffic. The increased safety of the vehicle is added to savings...
The safety vehicle is fitted with a driver's door on the offside and two passenger doors on the nearside. The rear passenger door gives access to the rear seats and ensures that passengers do not step out off the car into traffic. The increased safety of the vehicle is added to savings...