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在表格中,Native Language 一栏请务必填写“Chinese”,Demo Day Month 选择 想要参与 Demo 的月份(日期不符没有问题); 点击Continue 按钮,成功完成注册。 恭喜完成注册!接下来,请根据个人时间安排,阅读 第1 步– 认识 web3 – NEAR 认证开发者(一级) 中的资料。 3. 组队开发 NCD课程鼓励大家以小组形式共同...
We argue that these findings point to protracted L1 transfer at the syntactic interfaces in advanced and near-native interlanguage grammars, but do not reflect critical period effects in adult second language acquisition.HoppUniversityHolgerUniversityEBSCO_AspEUROSLA Yearbook...
This book contains the proceedings of the conferences on high-level foreign-language teaching and learning that were held at Monterey Institute of International Studies (Monterey, California) Spring 2003 and at Howard University (Washington, De Fall 2004. Keynote speeches and conference presentations ar...
A study of the translation process compared the decisions that native speakers (experts) and non-native speakers (non-experts) made that influenced resulting translations. Subjects were 40 students, graduate students, and faculty in a university foreign language department. English language proficiency ...
Although aspect is certainly a difficult area to master, particularly because the meanings of the imperfect are acquired quite late, L2 learners are clearly able to overcome the parametric options of their native language. At least for this domain, it is suggested that access to Universal Grammar...
In addition, the overall outcome of two experiments shows that second language (L2) processing can integrate case information, but that, unlike with native processing, attention to a case marker may depend on the presence of a preverbal clitic as an additional cue to the types of postverbal ...
Age of Onset and Nativelikeness in a Second Language: Listener Perception Versus Linguistic Scrutiny Our primary interpretation of the results is that nativelike ultimate attainment of a second language is, in principle, never attained by adult learners ... N Abrahamsson,K Hyltenstam - 《Language...
Various aspects of the vocabulary of near‐native second‐language learners of Swedish were analysed and compared to that of matched native Swedish speakers. Quantitative measures of lexical usage focussed upon comprised lexical density, lexical variation and lexical sophistication. Further, a qualitative ...
___near-perfect English language skills, the students were keen to explore every aspect of Australian culture, from Aussie eating customs to family and student life, popular culture, the natural landscape and the ever-popular Australian native animals. A....