The article focuses on the launch of the Near Miss Reporting System by the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC).LAWSJERRYEBSCO_bspOccupational Health & Safety
"A near miss today could be an accident tomorrow..!". Report all near misses. Even though no immediate injury or damage occurred, a near miss represents a pote…
startedNearMissreportingsystem,whichwilleradicatetheaccidentseedlingassoonas possibleforeveryonetocreateasafeworkingenvironment.Thesystemsince2013has beenofficiallylaunched. •为鼓励员工发现问题及时报告,Mold-Masters在本年度将为每一个提交侥幸事件报告 的人赠送一份建议奖的小礼品。年底对所有提交的侥幸事件报告进行...
为此,我特别询问了公司的老外,有意思的是,这两个老外竟然也有不同的回答,一个说某种特别的不安全行为是near miss;另一个是VP EHS,他说,不安全行为不是near miss,只是一个不安全动作,还没有发生一个意外事件,其实不安全行为还未到near miss, 还差那么一点点,所以不安全行为不能是near miss。 根据英文的near...
NearMissPromoteProgram侥幸事件报告促进计划 •为了提高工厂全体员工的安全意识和责任感,威凯集团总部导入侥幸事件报告系统,从而将事故苗子尽早铲除,为大家创造安全的工作环境。该系统自2010年已正式启动。Inordertoimprovethesafetyofplantstaffawarenessandresponsibility,WalkiGroupheadquartersstartedNearMissreportingsystem,...
什么是Near Miss? 有人说,Near Miss是未遂事故,是未遂事件,是准事故; 还有人说,Near Miss是险肇事故,险肇事件,先兆事件,侥幸脱险; 更有人说,Near Miss是差一点出事儿,虚惊事件,吓一跳事件; 有一位确凿地说:我们企业翻译成“尼尔小姐”,这样工人听起来比较亲切。
Near miss reporting involves documenting close calls or potential hazards that could he turned into accidents or incidents if not for lucky timing or preventive action. For example, a worker may have almost been injured by a piece of machinery, but they managed to get out of harm’s way in...
More detailed near miss reports done faster so you can get back to work.Near Miss Reporting with Inspect+ More than just a near miss reporting app, Inspect+ is ready to custom fit your workflow. Click below to learn about our web based reporting system and how it can improve you near mi...
Intelex Near Miss Reporting software reports, tracks, analyzes and addresses near misses so that future incidents can be prevented, not responded to.
It is important to earn your employees’ trust when it comes to reporting. An environment where employees feel comfortable to come forward without any fear of repercussion would make the near miss reporting system a success. Empower employees ...