报告模板Near Miss Report NearMissesReport险肇事件 Recordedby:Date:HuaxincementDept:1.Explanationofthedangeroussituation(nearmisses)危险情形描述 2.Whatactionsdoneimmediatelytostopthedangeroussituation为防止险情发生而立刻采取的行动filledbyrequester 3.Definitionofimprovementplan制定改进方案Definewithworkshopmanager....
NearMissReport-template 系统标签: neartemplatereportwrittermissesworkshop Writter:NearMissesDocumentDate:Workshop:Record#(bysafetyofficer):filledbythewritter2.Whatactionsdoneimmediatelytostopthedangeroussituation为防止险情发生而立刻采取的行动filledbyrequesterDefinewithworkshopmanager.Supportbysafetyofficerifnecessary...
报告模板Near Miss Report 下载积分:1000 内容提示: Recorded by:Date:Huaxin cementDept:1. Explanation of the dangerous situation (near misses)危险情形描述2. What actions done immediately to stop the dangerous situation为防止险情发生而立刻采取的行动filled by requester3. Definition of improvement plan...
Near miss report NearMissreport未遂事件报告 NearMiss:eventsorconditioncouldhavecausedinjury,disease,propertyloss,environmentalissues,needtotakepreventiveactions.未遂事件是指:未造成但潜在可能造成人员伤亡,疾病,财产损失等不良后果的事件或状态,必须采取改善预防措施。ReportedBy报告人姓名EmployeeNo工号Department部门...
报告模板Near Miss Report.xls Document Date: filled by requester 1. Explanation of the dangerous situation (near misses)危险情形描述 2. What actions done immediately to stop the dangerous situation 3. Definition of improvement plan制定改进方案车间经理制定,安全主任支持。 4. Improvements actions closing...
Whether you’re working with an OSHA near miss form or just looking to improve your current near miss report format, we would love to go above and beyond in making your workplace safer.Near Miss for Industries Oil and Gas Select a pre-built near miss template or create your own to fit...
No.:6.0 Form: SMR-CAPT009 船舶险情报告表 Near-miss report 船名 Ship’s name: 船舶呼号 Call sign: 国籍 Nationality: 发生的时间和日期 Time: 船舶所在的位置 Position: 预定的航线 Plan voyage: 航向/航速 Course/Speed: 货物的种类和数量 Which Cargo and weight: 船上存油和淡水 R.O.B: 当时的...
Near Miss Reporter 虚惊事件报告人 Reporter's Dept./Workshop/Group 报告人部门/车间/班组 Near Miss Classification 虚惊事件分类 Near Miss A Near Miss B Near Miss C Date of Near Miss Occurrence 虚惊事件发生时间 Occurrence Scene 虚惊事件发生地点 Relevant Photos of Occurence 相关现场照片 点击上传...