that's the last thing we want→ eso es lo último que queremoslast thing (at night)→ antes de acostarsethe main thing→ lo más importante, lo principalto make a mess of things→ estropearlo todoit was a near thing = it was a close thing(the) next thing I knew, he'd gone→ ...
Adewale O Sule-OduAdetola O OlatunjiOlusoji J DanielBioMed CentralReproductive HealthOladapo OT, Sule-Odu AO, Olatunji AO, Daniel OJ: "Near-miss" obstetric events and maternal deaths in Sagamu, Nigeria: a retrospective study. Reprod Health 2005, 2: 9. View Article...
the nearer it gets to the election the more they look like losing→ a medida que se acercan las elecciones mayor parece la posibilidad de que pierdanto be near at hand [object]→ estar al alcance de la mano; [event, season]→ estar a la vuelta de la esquina 3. (in level, degree)...
18 No entanto, ao se ajustar outros fatores, a razão de chances aumentou e a significância diminuiu (p = 0,08), tornando tal associação incerta.18 Apesar de o near miss materno ser tema de muitos estudos, ainda são poucas as pesquisas que tratam das complicações ...
Use of model organisms and in vitro techniques relevant to developmental biology and medicine are acceptable, as are translational human studies.doi:10.1203/00006450-198404001-01449Mathew, Oommen PBhatia, JatinderPediatric Research
2017年,世界卫生组织发布“全球第三大挑战:药无伤害”,提出在今后的5年内,将药物相关不良事件降低50%。临床上,看起来相似和听起来相似的药品容易导致用药错误。本研究通过根本原因分析法(Root Cause Analysis,RCA)对1例凝血酶冻干粉医嘱错误案例进行剖析,旨在揭示临床用...
15: Que dire de plus ? 15: Did you say wireless ? 15: Utilisation de l'espace chez les jeunes 15: Analyse spatiale 15: Hulk monster willy 15: Pics from Paris 14: Space and trust 14: 7566 14: Sonic Landmarks 14: Lego-bots 14: SMS Flame War 14: Quote 14: Pierre...
aDices que no me quieres 您说您不想要我[translate] aSO impressed! Excellent proformance!!! I am so proud of her! Everybody can do something! Everyone is unique! 如此铭记! 优秀proformance!!! 我为她是很感到骄傲! 大家能做某事! 大家是独特的![translate] ...
ul·tra·vi·o·let a.ultravioleta, que se extiende más allá de la zona violeta del espectro; ___ rays→rayos ___; ___ therapy→terapia de radiación ___. English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 ultraviolet adjultravioleta ...
“Todo estaba genial. Las habitaciones muy amplias y con todo lo necesario. El baño y la ducha estaban separados y, aunque la zona del retrete es pequeña, es completo. La ubicación es perfecta ya que está a 10 minutos del centro en transporte y...” ...