内容提示: Accident / Near Miss ReportCompany NameDate of Injury or Onset of IllnessTime began workTime of EventWhere the event occurred. (Example: loading dock North end) Employee Information: Date of BirthEmployee IDJob Title Date Hired Employee NameEmployee AddressEmployee PhoneEstablishment Name...
Accident Near Miss Report 事故、过失未遂报告 Corporate Policy # C-16 Exhibit B-1 Reviewed December 4, 2009 Revised May 22, 2008 Accident / Near Miss Report Case or file number Employee Name Employee Address Employee Phone Employee ID Date of Birth Job Title Date Hired Company Name Establishment...
Theexamplesofnearmissincludebutarenotlimitedto: 未遂事故包括但不限于下面几种情况: Failingtofollowproceduresthatcouldhaveresultedinanaccident. 未遵守程序,可能会导致一起意外事故。 Impropervehicleentryintoprojectconstructionsite 不符合规定的车辆进入项目施工现场。 Objectsdroppedfromupperlevels,eveniftheydonot...
Accident Anunplanned,undesiredeventresultingininjury,damageorloss DangerousSituation AnIdentifiablesituationorconditionwiththepotentialtocauseanaccidentornearmiss Mod6–HazID&NM Whatisanearmiss?Anunplanned,undesiredeventthatinslightlydifferentcircumstancescouldhaveresultedininjury,damageorloss.Ifit...
High potential is a grouping of situations which could have resulted in significant injury, environment or property damage, often investigated similarly to an actual accident. A low potential near miss refers to incidents which are not too significant and generally only awareness is needed to prevent...
Illustrative embodiments include a method, system, and computer program product for collaborative near-miss accident reporting. A computer receives, from a source among several sources, data relating to a near-miss accident. The computer determines whether the data relating to the near-miss accident ...
startedNearMissreportingsystem,whichwilleradicatetheaccidentseedlingassoonas possibleforeveryonetocreateasafeworkingenvironment.Thesystemsince2013has beenofficiallylaunched. •为鼓励员工发现问题及时报告,Mold-Masters在本年度将为每一个提交侥幸事件报告 的人赠送一份建议奖的小礼品。年底对所有提交的侥幸事件报告进行...
· OSHA Safety and Health Management SystemseTool: Accident/Incident Investigation,http://www./SLTC/etools/safetyhealth/mod4_factsheets_accinvest.html 2013National 四. 咱们再来看看BS OHSAS 18001:2007标准如何定义near miss的。 在BS OHSAS 18001:2007 3.9条款中,是这样描述near miss的:An incident where...
· OSHA Safety and Health Management SystemseTool: Accident/Incident Investigation,http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/etools/safetyhealth/mod4_factsheets_accinvest.html ©2013National 四. 咱们再来看看BS OHSAS 18001:2007标准如何定义near miss的。 在BS OHSAS 18001:2007 3.9条款中,是这样描述near miss的:An ...