The vocabulary represents (non-rhotic) Australian English pronunciation, and although most of the words and minimal pairs will 'work' in other dialects of English you may need to discard some. For example, pairs like saw-shore, and spa-star are minimal pairs in Australian English and in ...
Yet as if in reaction to this trend, some urban Londoners have a strongly diphthongal ‘-ear’ vowel. Two celebrity examples I’ve noticed areAdeleandIdris Elba, both with accents located near theCockney/Estuaryborder. In words like ‘here,’ both have a very pronounced diphthong: where ‘e...
Ultra-sensitive devices that detect individual photons by measuring the disruption in the bias current, which arises when single photons absorbed by the superconducting nanowire break Cooper pairs. Rights and permissions Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or other partner) holds exclusive...
the systematic choice of sibilant realisations for minimal pairs: Casa : Caza [‘]. Another result is ceceo, i.e. the systematic choice of interdental/non-sibilant realisations for minimal pairs: Casa : Caza [‘ka.θa]. The geographic distribution of this /θ/ = /s/ merger across...
Many companies face combinatorial optimization problems and across both science and industry there are prominent examples in areas like transportation and logistics, telecommunications, manufacturing, and finance. Analog neutral-atom quantum machines can provide a novel ...
As guiding examples, note that \(\frac{\alpha }{\beta } = 1\) yields the Ising Hamiltonian \(- S_1^zS_2^z\)133 and \(\frac{\alpha }{\beta } = - \frac{1}{2}\) yields the XY Hamiltonian \(S_1^xS_2^x + S_1^yS_2^y\)127,128. Since global Hamiltonian factors do ...
Fig. 4 illustrates the individual processing steps with real examples. A second program then takes the Pyeo-produced change map, extracts and polygonises any deforestation area, produces images of areas-of-interest, creates a KML file (Fig. 5) and distributes this to subscribed emails. ...
The optimally low cross-correlation between pairs of arrays within a family can be considered to represent stacks of planes of atoms into 3D structures that have minimal energy.References HD Lüke, Sequences and arrays with perfect periodic correlation. IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst. 24(3)...
There are also solutions to create schema mappings through examples, meaning that the users must provide an incomplete set of schema mappings and the system creates the remaining ones [20], [21]. In other systems, such as MusQ [22], the mappings between local and global schemas are ...
Below, we present Fourier analyses on eight exemplary cases from these discoveries (refer to Table 1), along with two dozens additional representative examples of the new variables in Appendix D, Fig. D.19, Fig. D.20, Fig. D.21. All reported dependent frequencies fall within the adopted ...