Near-infrared light-activated cancer cell targeting and drug delivery with aptamer-modified nanostructures. Nano Res. 2016, 9, 139. [CrossRef]Near-infrared light-activated cancer cell targeting and drug delivery with aptamer-modified nanostructures. Yang,Y,Liu,J.J,Sun,X.Q,Feng,L.Z,Zhu,W.W,...
the combined injection of Cu-RBS and NIR light significantly inhibited the growth of primary 4T1-Luc tumors in. Bioluminescence imaging and Masson and H&E staining analyses of pulmonary metastasis clearly showed proliferative cancer nodules in the three control groups (PBS, NIR, Cu-RBS)...
A Near Infrared Light Triggered Hydrogenated Black TiO2 for Cancer Photothermal Therapy. Adv. Healthcare Mater. 2015, 4, 1526-1536.W. Ren, Y. Yan, L. Zeng et al., "A near infrared light triggered hydrogenated black TiO2 for cancer photothermal therapy," Advanced Healthcare Materials, vol. ...
Near-infrared light-responsive nanomaterials in cancer therapeutics Chem Soc Rev, 43 (2014), pp. 6254-6287 Google Scholar [37] R. Cheng, Y. Xue Carbon nanomaterials for drug delivery Carbon Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications, Springer Cham (2016), pp. 31-80 Google Scholar [38] S. Goe...
Near-Infrared-Light-Activatable Nanomaterial-Mediated Phototheranostic Nanomedicines: An Emerging Paradigm for Cancer Treatment. Near‐Infrared‐Light‐Activatable Nanomaterial‐Mediated Phototheranostic Nanomedicines: An Emerging Paradigm for Cancer Treatmentdoi:10.1002/adma.201706320... Raviraj,Vankayala,Kuo,....
"smart" materials-based near-infrared light-responsive drug delivery systems for cancer treatment: A review 2019, Journal of Materials Research and Technology Citation Excerpt : UV/visible up-converted light can also be used to activate photosensitizers to generate ROS for PDT. Hu et al. [89] ...
Yang, et al., Perfluorocarbon- loaded hollow Bi2Se3 nanoparticles for timely supply of oxygen under near- infrared light to enhance the radiotherapy of cancer, Adv. Mater. 28 (2016) 2716e2723.SONG GꎬLIANG CꎬYI Xꎬet al.Cancer therapy:perfluoro~ carbon~loaded hollow Bi2 Se3 ...
(SDDSs) for cancer treatment are of considerable interest in the field of theranostics. However, developing SDDSs with early diagnostic capability, enhanced drug delivery and efficient biodegradability still remains a scientific challenge. Herein, we report near-infrared light and tumor microenvironment ...
As a new class of near-infrared (NIR) light-responsive optical nanomaterials, NIR-responsive carbon dots (CDs) have received much attention for bioimaging and cancer therapy, because of their excellent optical properties, diverse structure, facile surface modification and good biocompatibility. In this...
Red and NIR light have been explored to detect breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7) [173,174]. Plasmonic nanoparticles were incorporated into ITO electrodes modified with multicomponent semiconductor nanomaterials to improve the photoelectric conversion efficiency. In the first study, TMC, WS2, and AuNPs...