However, several challenges in the field need to be addressed before achieving the clinical translation of these developed systems. Despite the great achievements in the treatment of cancer, additional research efforts should be devoted to advancing clinical applications. First, detailed preclinical safety...
A universal phenomenon in the field of femtosecond (fs) laser ablation is the appearance of periodic ripples on the material surface with a period smaller than the laser wavelength and laser polarization dependence1. The for- mation of this kind of nanostructure has been motivating quite a few ...
by using operando X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) technique. The operando XAFS allows us to follow the structural evolutions of single-site metal centers, and unravels that the single-atom Pt becomes low-coordinated with its surrounding atoms...
Cells were extracted using a protocol optimized for Aarhus Bay sedi- ment62, stained with Sybr Green I, and enumerated by epifluorescence microscopy with an automated stage and slide-loader combined with an image analysis software program69. Cell abundances were then compared to the sum of ...
(fire assay) plasma mass spectrometry. Bunch et al.1use electron microscopy energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS), which has been shown to be inadequate and overestimates Pt abundances by up to a factor of 430. This is particularly problematic at low accelerating voltages, and at the 10 kV ...
applied sciences Article Quantitative Modeling of Near-Field Interactions in Terahertz Near-Field Microscopy Zhaomin Peng 1,2, Dehai Zhang 1,*, Shuqi Ge 1,2 and Jin Meng 1 1 Key Laboratory of Microwave Remote Sensing, National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, ...
sensors Review Near-Field Communication Sensors Zhonglin Cao †, Ping Chen †, Zhong Ma, Sheng Li, Xingxun Gao , Rui-xin Wu, Lijia Pan * and Yi Shi * School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210000, China; (Z.C.); chenping@nju...
Additionally, the authors thank Nicolas Briot for assistance with 3D reconstruction, using the FIB-SEM at the University of Kentucky Electron Microscopy Center. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. References 1. Vancil, B.; Brodie, I.; Fellow, L.; Lorr, J.; ...
(b) Bright field images of HeLa cells cultured after 60 h in the absence and presence of 0.5, 5, and FiguF5ri0geun2rM.e(o2a.f)(QTaD)imT1i1em0c0eo. cuSocrausleresoebfaortf:ht1eh0e0pprμormolil.fieferraattiioonn ooff HHeeLLaa cceelllslsininththeeabasbesnecnecaenadnpdrepsreens...
Thermal rectification enabled by near-field radiative heat transfer between intrinsic silicon and other materials. Nanoscale Microscale Thermophys. Eng. 2013, 17, 337–348. [CrossRef] 17. Dransfeld, K.; Xu, J. The heat transfer between a heated tip and a substrate: Fast thermal microscopy. J...