Seismic isolationtriple friction pendulum bearingnear-fault motionsensitive analysisoptimum parametersThe seismic response of a stiff single-story and a flexible multi-story building isolated with triple friction pendulum bearing (TFPB) are investigated under the pulse-like (near-fault, NF-Pulse) and (...
seismic responseThe area where tunnels crossing faults may suffer from severe damage during earthquakes. For fault-crossing tunnels, it is inevitable to be subjected to near-fault earthquake motions when the nearby faults rupture. However, current research rarely considers the impact of near-field ...
The results show that both the peak value ratio and response spectrum ratio are larger than the 2/3 value prescribed in existing seismic codes, and the relationship between the vertical and horizontal ground motions is comparatively intricate. In addition, the effect of the near-fault ground ...
Kalkan E, Kunnath SK (2006) Effects of fling step and forward directivity on seismic response of buildings. Earthq Spectra 22:367–390. Article Google Scholar Kazaz İ, Bilge İH, Gürbüz M (2024) Near-fault ground motion characteristics and its effects...
If seismic waves had been input only along a single axis,the too conservative analysis results may be got. In this paper,two near fault earthquake waves and one far field seismic wave are selected,and the seismic response of the bridge is calculated when input angle according to 15 °from ...
Results of comprehensive nonlinear response history analyses on a range of configurations representing typical highway overcrossings subjected to combined effects of vertical and horizontal components of near-fault ground motions are reported. Current seismic design guidelines in California neglect the vertical...
Results in previous sections have shown that velocity pulse in the near-fault ground motions could significantly affect the seismic collapse and demolition capacity of structures. In order to take into account the effects of velocity pulse on seismic fragility of structures in near-fault regions, the...
Although the significance of near-fault ground motions has been widely recognized, its influence on the earthquake performance of concrete gravity dams has not yet been fully quantified. This article investigates the effects of near-fault ground motions on the nonlinear seismic response behavior of ...
Besides, present and future researches on the engineer structures seismic responses werealso discussed. The seismic responses of structures vary with the structure form and the stress load, but generally theresponse of structures to near-fault ground motions is prominently increasing. At present, ...
According to the achieved results, the four-story frame (representative of low-rise frames) is more prone to be affected by near-fault strong ground motions in view of calculated seismic-induced risks.Journal of Risk & Reliability: Part OEhsan KhojastehfarFarzad Mirzaei AminianHamid Ghanbari...