AR-23-1-1-F-1-X AR-23-1-2-B-1-X AR-04PE M10612011 OEM670X-M2 CP-41-729202-10835 PH-1A1-35 71-003901-02 Z-SHUNT-800W N0701DD-NMSN GV6-U3E-DN GV6-L3E-NK AT6250-120 MPC891-113955 M83-135 SX106-178-MO MPC724-113865 ...
被引量: 0发表: 2018年 Ne isotopes mg-29,30, al-31,32,33, si-33,34,35,36, p-35,36,37,38 s-39,40 and cl-41,42 produced in bombardment of a th-232 target with 290 mev ar-40 ions Artukh, A.G.; Avdeichikov, V.V.; Gridnev, G.F.; Mikheev, V.L.; Volkov, V.V....
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ion-molecule collisionskryptonneonAbsolute double differential cross sections (DDCS) for electron production were determined for the Auger-decay of the (1s2s2sp P)4) state in 10-34 MeV collisions of O5+(1s22s) ions with H2, He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe targets using zero-degree projectile Auger...
Byab initiomethods, we have characterized the potential curves of the unusual, doubly excited valence van der Waals states,Be(2pπ+12pπ13PJ)RG[3Σ],whereRG=He,Ne.Similar to theMg(3pπ+13pπ13PJ)RG[3Σ]states(RG=He,Ne,Ar,Kr)which were characterized experimentally and theoretically ear...
e5oO4dwxhe1aR5lOYKUdkQEh/FqSzxdJa2KCPMcfj+7+vHTgByeqQc18r7SFlB XnbUlBrOyln0NSNn1YBUEA9fYKPi8Vv6H4fP6qkXqbpgs9MogWwxkn6xiKrEENhEk2qOCvbywpbH UGqrNx8pPrgoBKWGGYw01KLQmDwEb/dL4f7uG7LNJmarqBA5JfJS6YJkjQqM4kGIeSoSruAPIFrF 7SVbxmHMCiKWBf2Dier9VxWNiNGqxoUhrMVkNVEje++Pla7VLKJ5/ai...
题目So epehecame eppswl olgreit aswwllra lg ta.A ywlomeBaddition to traditional media or a replacement of traditional media?On fwya g e ga lennafepga nidayhsddtalghg,dina yshtprd im lg podd-lg weeryhrd eem tamteey elg,ow abloggr Blog ar no sen a impotatan...
完成下列元素周期表:1H 2He3Li 4Be 5B 6C 7N 8O 9F 10Ne11Na 12Mg 13Al 14Si 15P 16S 17Cl 18Ar19K 20Ca 21Sc 22Ti 23V 24Cr 25Mn 26Fe 27Co 28Ni 29Cu 30Zn31Ga 32Ge 33As 34Se 35Br 36Kr37Rb 38Sr 39Y 40Zr 41Nb 42Mo 43Tc 44Ru 45Rh 46Pd 47Ag 48Cd49In 50S...
12 镁 Mg 24.305 0(6)13 铝 Al 26.981 538 6(8)14 硅 Si 28.085 5(3)15 磷 P 30.973 762(2)16 硫 S 32.065(5)17 氯 Cl 35.453(2)18 氩 Ar 39.948(1)19 钾 K 39.098 3(1)20 钙 Ca 40.078(4)21 钪 Sc 44.955 912(6)22 钛 Ti 47.867(1)23 钒 V...
如图是元素周期表的一部分.请回答: 0 ⅤA ⅥA ⅦA 2 He氦4.003 7 N氮14.01 8 O氧16.00 9 F氟19.00 10 Ne氖20.18 15 P磷30.97 16 S硫32.06 17 Cl氯35.45 18 Ar氩39.95 33 As砷74.92 34 Se硒78.96 35 Br溴79.90 36 Kr氪83.80 51 Sb锑121.8 52 Te碲127.6 53 I碘126.9