UM9008的驱动和配置文件工具可以在DriverGuide上找到,但我实测中有些版本的UM9008配置工具DIAG9008.EXE会误报IRQ3被占用,Vogons网站的NE-12配置工具NET12DIAG.EXE更加可靠一些。 VOGONS Vintage Driver Library Index of /LegacyProducts/SBC/PCA-6145B/UTILITY.210/LAN/UTILITY UM9008配置工具的使用方法同样是类似的,...
NE2000 Network DriverCompany: NE2000 Model: Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.) File: EZOPEN.EXE Comments: NE2000 Driver. File Contents: No file content information available at this time....
Home Companies Driver Updater Search NE2000 Network DriverCompany: NE2000 Model: Operating System: Windows 95 & DOS (Note: might work with other versions of this os.) File: Comments: NE2000 Driver. I couldn't get it to work, but maybe some of you will find it useful ...
Network Driver Samples Network Driver Reference Network Driver Migration Network Driver Development Concepts Network Driver Registry Settings Network Driver Registry Settings PCI Bus Enumerator Registry Settings Kingston PCI NE2000 Linksys ISA NE2000 AsyncMac Registry Settings Registry Keys for Miniport Drivers...
Network Driver Samples Network Driver Reference Network Driver Migration Network Driver Development Concepts Network Driver Registry Settings Network Driver Registry Settings PCI Bus Enumerator Registry Settings Kingston PCI NE2000 Linksys ISA NE2000 AsyncMac Registry Settings Registry Keys for Miniport Drivers...
Aiming at the problem that computer usually does not support the compatible Ethernet Card with NE2000 when the SCO UNIX is installed with TCP/IP for the PC System. This paper introduces a utility scheme by the LLI driver and presents important information about how to install the compatible Eth...
Lock Driver (Redis) REDIS_HOST The hostname of the redis instance (in case of locking). REDIS_PORT (optional) The port of the redis instance (in case of locking). REDIS_PW (optional) The password for the redis instance (in case of locking). REDIS_DB (optional) The database instance...
无官方正式版 软件大小:9.99M 更新时间:2016-11-27 星级指数: 软件平台:电脑版 软件语言:简体中文 系统类型:支持32/64位 软件授权:免费 下载次数:12次 安全监测:无插件无病毒正式版 操作系统:Netcore磊科3200NE/3210NE/3220NE/3260NE网卡 本地纯净下载 纯净官方版 软件...
天极下载站[]★Netcore磊科3200NE_3210NE_3220NE_3260NE网卡驱动最新5.620版For Win98SE_ME_2000_XP图集频道,提供Netcore磊科3200NE_3210NE_3220NE_3260NE网卡驱动最新5.620版For Win98SE_ME_2000_XP截图、Netcore磊科3200NE_3210NE_3220NE_3260NE网卡驱动最新5.620版For Win98SE_ME_2000_XP客户...
【编年史】2000年夏季热门新番《极速战警/エクスドライバー/eX-Driver》OP&ED 2393 27 03:01 App 【编年史】2002年秋季热门新番《返乡战士/帝皇战纪/OVERMAN キングゲイナー》OP&ED 9699 71 05:21 App 【编年史】1997年秋季热门新番《吸血姬美夕》OP&ED 1.5万 80 06:01 App 【编年史】1999年春季热...