An atomic anion with a charge of -1 has the following electron configuration: [{MathJax fullWidth='false' Ne 3s^2 3p^3 }]. What is the identity of the atom?Electron Configuration :The electron configuration of an element is the process of arranging the electrons...
Write the number of valence electrons, electron configuration, and orbital diagram of the following element: Phosphorus i) number of valence electrons: ii) total electrons on level n = 3: iii) electron configuration: iv) orbital diagra...
The chemical compositions of minerals in selected thin sections (Table1) were investigated using the CAMECA SX-100 electron probe microanalyser (EPMA) equipped with wavelength-dispersive spectrometers (WDS). Analyses were performed under a 15 kV accelerating voltage; a 10 nA beam current was used f...
A spectroscopic study of population of the excited 3 s 2 -3 s 5 states (in Paschen's notation) of neon atoms of the 2 p 5 5 s configuration was carried out in a pulsed discharge helium plasma with a small admixture of neon (pressure 38.1 Torr, [He]/[Ne] ≌ 10 5 ). Study the...
Absolute photoionization cross sections for Ne atoms in the excited 2p~53p[K]_J (J = 0-3) levels (Paschen notation 2p_x, x = 1-10) were calculated at near threshold energies within the configuration interaction Pauli-Fock approach including core polarization. The computed spectra and the ...
a. Write the spdf notation. b. Write the complete orbital diagram. c. Determine the number of unpaired electrons. Determine the number of unpaired electrons in the following electron configuration. Write the number of valence electrons, electron configuration, and orbital...
The other three levels-3s (3), 3s (4), and 3s (5)-corresponding to 2p (5)5s configuration are populated in the afterglow as a result of the dissociative recombination HeNe+ of ions with electrons. The same process is also the main channel of population of 3s (2) level in the late...
Absolute photoionization cross sections for Ne atoms in the excited \\(2{p}^{5}3{p}[K]_{J}~(J=0\\!\\!-\\!\\!3)\\) levels (Paschen notation \\(2{p}_{x},~x=1\\!\\!-\\!\\!10\\) ) were calculated at near threshold energies within the configuration interaction Pauli-...
(4) fij = mc 8π2e2 λ2ji ωj ωi Aji = 1.49 × 10−16 λ2ji ωj ωi A ji , (5) where m and e are the electron mass and charge, respectively, c is the velocity of light, λji is the transition wavelength in Å, and ωi and ωj are the statistical weights of ...
Energy levels, radiative rates and lifetimes are reported for F-like Sc XIII and Ne-like Sc XII and Y XXX for which the general-purpose relativistic atomic structure package (GRASP) has been adopted. For all three ions, limited data exist in the literatu