浙江迪福润丝生物科技有限公司开发的鼻喷NDV病毒载体新冠疫苗为第三代技术平台疫苗,可对标已在墨西哥进入Ⅱ期-NCT05205746临床试验的NDV-HXP-S新冠疫苗,在小鼠模型中所产生抗体的水平和保护力远超NDV-HXP-S疫苗(相当于1.5代),不仅突破了走向国际的关键技术瓶颈,还在技术平台上完成了进一步的技术升级。 据了解,为开发...
To support evaluation of NDV-HXP-S with CpG 1018 adjuvant, an inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed to allow for quantification and stability assessments of the vaccine. A pilot 6-month stability study was conducted on NDV-HXP-S vaccine with and without CpG 1018 ...
Here we evaluated a vaccine candidate based on a live recombinant Newcastle disease virus (NDV) that expresses a stable version of the spike protein in infected cells as well as on the surface of the viral particle (AVX/COVID-12-HEXAPRO, also known as NDV-HXP-S). This vaccine candidate ...