在美国,大学学院的负责人称作"dean"(院长)。比如" Professor Jones is dean of the College of Law at State University. "(琼斯教授是州立大学法学院的院长。)教授1-12年级学生的学校负责人通常称为"principal"(校长)。一些私立学...
学校名称:King's College London 中文译名:伦敦国王学院 官方网址:http://www.kcl.ac.uk/index.aspx 备注:可同时授予伦敦大学学位 学校名称:Lancaster University 中文译名:兰卡斯特大学 官方网址:http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/ 学校名称:The University of Law ...
in regulatory science, having played a significant role in developing and evaluating guidance, as well as shaping regulatory policy. Dr. Ndu received her doctorate in pharmacy from Howard University’s College of Pharmacy and a law degree from the University of Maryland....
In 1976 the NWC and ICAF joined to form the NDU, which expanded with the addition of the Joint Forces Staff College in 1981 and the Information Resources Management College the following year. The NDU also includes the College of International Security Affairs. The first master’s degrees were...
"Joshua NgYear 2 StudentYong Pung How School of Law"Comprehensive financial assistance means no one qualified will be denied a place!"Jolin EeYear 1 StudentLee Kong Chian School of Business"It's home to Singapore's first and visionary college of integr...
30. 法学院(The College of Law) 31. 国际研究学院(The Institute of International Studies) 32. 格里菲斯大学(Griffith University) 33. 国家艺术学院(National Art School) 34. 国际商业与技术学院(International Institute of Business...
35. 东安格利亚大学(University of East Anglia) 36. 东伦敦大学(University of East London) 37. 帝国理工学院(Imperial College London) 38. 法律大学(The University of Law) 39. 福尔茅斯大学(Falmouth University) 40. 格罗斯泰斯...
Courses such as Architecture, Industrial Design, Dentistry, Landscape Architecture, Law, Medicine, Music, Nursing, NUS College, and PPE require interviews or tests. IBDP students apply in November, aiming for a 40+ score, while A Level stud...
[2]Ruhollah M. Role of Youth Diplomacy in Governments Foreign Relations by Using YNGOs (Youth Non Governmental Organizations)Capacity[J]. Journal of Politics & Law,2016,9(2). [3]唐小松,姜梦茵 . 论欧盟对中国周边地区的公共外交[J...
法学Law 传媒研究Communication & Media Studies 教育学Education 艺术专业更多选择人文与艺术学院Faculty of Arts & Humanities。 华威大学 University of Warwick是一所稳居英国前十 、 世界五十强的顶尖研究型大学,同时是有英国常春藤之称的罗素大学集团...