particles is applied, these particles accumulate around those discontinuities making them visible to the naked eye. If necessary a white contrast agent is applied to the material before testing. For high sensitivity, a fluorescent liquid and blacklight can be used. This requires a dark testing ...
penetrant removers developers Chemetall’s proven MT products are marketed under their well-known ARDROX®, Lumor® and Supramor® brands comprising fluorescent magnetic inks black magnetic inks and white contrast paints carrier oils removers ...
Our approach has led to products that utilize state of the art chemical technologies, best in class manufacturing methods, and a broad product line that is unmatched amongst other MPI manufacturers in the NDT industry. Circle’s dedication to innovation provides our customers with the highest perfor...
20. Groves, R.M.; Pradarutti, B.; Kouloumpi, E.; Osten, W.; Notni, G. 2D and 3D non-destructive evaluation of a wooden panel painting using shearography and terahertz imaging. NDT&E Int. 2009, 42, 543-549. 21. Yang, L.X.; Wegner, R.; Ettemeyer, A. Strain and Stress ...