PS:尽管漏洞挖掘和对抗样本是各大安全顶会的大方向,但作者还在从零学习中,因此相关论文暂未纳入,后续学到一定程序会进行总结和分享,部分涉及新型漏洞攻击的文章会囊括,望大家见谅。 文章目录: 1.Architecting Trigger-Action Platforms for Security, Perform...
Awards: All accepted papers and demos will be considered for Best Paper Award and Best Demo Award. The winner and runner-up will win cash prizes. In addition, a special AutoDriving Security Award will be given to one of the accepted papers to recognize and reward research that makes substant...
and ethics Trustworthy computing software and hardware to secure networks and systems Usable security and privacy A special note on “fit” for all submissions: NDSS is primarily a venue focusing on network and systems security. As such, the Program Committee will be looking for papers that have...