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the Nintendo 3DS is a beaming prospect in the eyes of homebrewers worldwide. Bringing the joys of homebrew and DS rom support to the 3DS has some people worried about Nintendo catching on to their actions, however. With the 3DS, Nintendo has incorporated a system in which to view the game...
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–dsi/cartbooter: allows dsiware/system code to exceed 4MB (unlike ROM carts)–gui: help-engine on win95/winNT4: forces IDC_ARROW (instead of IDC_HAND)–gui: uses GetScrollInfo/SetScrollInfo in help-engine (except for win31…?)–dsi/help: identified AIC3000D as TSC2117, added lots ...
Download a download manager tweak from Cydia like Safari Downloader+ or Chrome Downloader+. Download a ROM image of a Nintendo DS game that youlegally own the actual game cartridge for. Using iFile or another filesystem explorer, move the downloaded .nds file to /User/Documents/. Alternatively...
–dsi/cartbooter: allows dsiware/system code to exceed 4MB (unlike ROM carts)–gui: help-engine on win95/winNT4: forces IDC_ARROW (instead of IDC_HAND)–gui: uses GetScrollInfo/SetScrollInfo in help-engine (except for win31…?)–dsi/help: identified AIC3000D as TSC2117, added lots ...
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