当你在使用Android NDK(Native Development Kit)时遇到“ndk does not contain any platforms”的错误,这通常意味着NDK的安装存在问题,或者其配置没有正确指向包含platforms文件夹的路径。下面是一些解决这个问题的步骤,这些步骤将帮助你确认并修复问题: 1. 确认NDK安装是否完整 首先,确保你已经正确安装了NDK。你可以通...
The stable version of the Android Studio IDE (at least on Mac) is still looking for the platform directory when you select an r21 or higher version and try to Apply it. The IDE gives the error "NDK does not contain any platforms." 翻译过来的简单的意思就是说NDK开发在最新的时代废除了...
1、下载低版本的NDK:Android Studio—Preferences 下载ndk 2、配置下载的NDK:File—Project Structure 配置ndk 2.1、查到的一个帖子中是第二步没有选择项就要在local.properties中配置ndk的地址,然而这个配置是我导入项目的时候配置的,之后也没有更改到低版本去,但是不影响正常编译和运行,原因我也不太清楚,如果有知道...
at com.android.build.gradle.internal.ndk.NdkHandler.getPlatformVersion(NdkHandler.java:159) …… 打开project structure发现提示错误“NDK does not contain any platforms” 解决办法:在ndk的路径(比如我的ndk路径为D:\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64_with_Android_5.0\sdk\ndk-bundle)下新建空文件夹platforms即可。
接口调用时返回App has not applied for the Wear Engine service错误信息 打开HR传感器后,没有立刻上报数据 HR传感器数据中,有值为0或255的数据 手机和轻量级智能穿戴设备通信,提示错误码206 手机侧应用发送文件给穿戴设备侧应用时,提示错误码1008500011 更多:若以上FAQ仍不能解决,可通过在线提单反馈 应用质...
AndroidStudio配置本地SDK问题一:AndroidStudio报错:SDKdoes not contain any platforms. 解决方法:本地SDK应放到名为... contain whitespace, as this can cause problems with theNDKtools. 解决方法:很明显SDK的路径中不能含有空格,重命名带空格的文件夹或转移 ...
使用BuilderParam在父组件调用this的方法报错:Error message:is not callable Component如何监听应用前后台切换 自定义组件如何实现类似系统组件的链式调用 自定义组件在外部设置属性方法和在build方法内部设置有什么区别 如何实现页面加载的loading效果 使用Navigation跳转页面时如何传递带方法的对象 如何实现下拉刷新和...
> Location specified by ndk.dir (/opt/unity/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/NDK) did not contain a valid NDK and couldn't be used * Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to ...
Bug description When I am trying to build unity for android platform. It involves two phases. First I try to export the android code and then I build the android APK. During the second phase I get the error regarding the ndk. This is my ...
everything from the sockets layer at the top to the Ethernet and Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) layers at the bottom. The library is compiled to make use of the RTOS, and does not need to be ported when moved from one platform to another. Several builds of the library are included in...