Android选择DNK出现“NDK does not contain any platforms” CSDN上都说要把NDK目录设置在ndk-bundle下,还有博主说是NDK版本不兼容,得回退NDK版本。全部解决方法尝试过后都解决不了问题。直到看见一国外老哥的解答 把目录设置到C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Android\Sd... ...
安装低版本的 ndk(例如 version:21.4.7075529),将低版本 ndk 中 toolchains 文件夹下的 arm-linux-androideabi 等文件夹复制到 25.1.8937393 版本 ndk 的toolchains文件夹中
For example, do: - export CC="$NDK/toolchains//prebuilt//bin/gcc -sysroot $SYSROOT" + export CC="$NDK/toolchains/<name>/prebuilt/<system>/bin/<prefix>gcc -sysroot +$SYSROOT" $CC -o foo.o -c foo.c -Where is the toolchain's name, is the host tag for your system, -and is...
Gomobile makes a number of assumptions about the Android SDK and NDK that are no longer correct: ANDROID_HOME provides the SDK location (soft-deprecated in favor of a default path) Android API 15 is supported. (All supported SDKs have a ...
Required tools: the NDK has an arch-linux-android-readelf binary (e.g. arm-linux-androideabi-readelf or i686-linux-android-readelf) for each architecture (under toolchains/), but you can use readelf for any architecture, as we will be doing basic inspection only. On Linux you need to have...
Starting with API 23, shared objects must not contain text relocations. That is, the code must be loaded as is and must not be modified. Such an approach reduces load time and improves security. The usual reason for text relocations is non-position independent hand-written assembler. This is...
Unix conventions as lib<something>.so, and shall contain a standard JNI entry point (more on this later). For example: - Your application must explicitely load the library. For example, to load it at application startup, simply add the following to its source code: ...
This name is arbitrary but should match the LOCAL_MODULE specified in jni/ and it should not contain special-characters, not even a . In this example, mine is named: TestJNI because my looks like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(...
Compiling native code from eclipseYou probably agree with me, writing code in Eclipse but compiling it by hand is not very satisfying. Although the ADT plugin does not provide any C/C++ support, Eclipse does this through CDT. Let's use it to turn our Android project into a hy...
NOTE: All Google TV devices released in 2010 (Logitech set-top box机顶盒, Sony TVs, and Blu-ray player蓝光播放机) are based on the Intel CE4100. However, the Google TV platform currently does not support the NDK. As the NDK is frequently updated, you should always try to use the lates...