它也會檢查要求是否針對查詢和設定正確修改NDIS_REQUEST結構的欄位:它會驗證 byteswritten/bytesread 欄位是否等於 OID 所需的位元組,並檢查緩衝區未不當修改。 您應該仔細檢查記錄是否有問題。 測試詳細資料 規格 Device.Network.LAN.Base.NDISRequirements ...
AccessType NET_IF_ACCESS_TYPENDIS 网络接口访问类型。 DirectionType NET_IF_DIRECTION_TYPENDIS 网络接口方向类型。 ConnectionType NDIS 网络接口连接类型。 对典型的以太网适配器使用NET_IF_CONNECTION_DEDICATED。 以下为有效值: 指定专用连接类型。 当媒体感知为TRUE时,连接会自动启动。 例如,以太网连接是专...
[NdisStudio] OidRequestTest - OID_GEN_XMIT_OK and OID_GEN_RCV_OK Verification NDISTest 6.0 - [1 Machine] - 1c_64BitOIDs NDISTest 6.0 - [1 Machine] - 1c_FaultHandling NDISTest 6.0 - [1 Machine] - 1c_IOCTLCoverage NDISTest 6.0 - [1 Machine] - 1c_KernelCalls ...
As the NBL traverses through various drivers in the networking stack, each component can call NdisAllocateNetBufferListContext() to sub-allocate a part of the context data buffer and assign it to the caller. Context data area for a particular context allocation request is always contiguous. If ...
大小sizeof (NDIS_WWAN_UICC_ACCESS_RECORD) 有关这些成员的详细信息,请参阅NDIS_OBJECT_HEADER。 UiccAccessRecord 描述线性固定或循环 UICC 文件的格式化WWAN_UICC_ACCESS_RECORD结构。 注解 此结构用于OID_WWAN_UICC_ACCESS_RECORD查询或设置请求的有效负载。
In this case, the infrastructure can accept a partial list of the wake-up patterns. When the miniport driver completes the OID_PM_PARAMETERS set request, the driver must make NDIS_STATUS_PM_WOL_PATTERN_REJECTED status indications for each of the WOL patterns that the access point (AP) ...
NDIS是Network Driver Interface Specification,即网络驱动接口规范。NDIS的主要目的就 是为NIC(网络接口卡,Network Interface Cards)制定出标准的API接口。MAC(介质访问控制,Media Access Controller)设备驱动封装了所有的NIC硬件 实现,这样一来所有的使用相同介质的NIC就可以通过通用的编程接口被访问 ...
To transfer packet data for a send request, a Windows NT miniport basically does the following: Maps the virtual range containing the data with NdisMStartBufferPhysicalMapping to get mapped device-accessible range addresses for use by its NIC. ...
Direct Memory Access (DMA) functionality. However, developers can implement DMA code in a miniport driver for a specific combination of a Windows CE-based platform and a network adapter. This white paper provides a code sample on how to implement DMA operations in a miniport driver for Windows...
cert=CERT Common name of code signing certificate, default=openvpn --crosscert=CERT The cross-certificate file to use, default=MSCV- VSClass3.cer --timestamp=URL Timestamp URL to use, default=http://timestamp.verisign.c om/scripts/timstamp.dll -a, --oas Build for OpenVPN Access ...