Whether you’re a person with a disability, a family member, or a support worker, you can be confident that Ability8 has all the management tools you need in a secure platform that’s accessible from anywhere. EVERYTHING IN ONE PLACE ...
}, fontFamilies: { base: "arial, sans-serif" // Base font family (comma-delimited). }, fontSizes: { base: 16 // Base font size (px). } }, path: { // Optional: a string (full file path) or object like so: fileName: "Example.jpg", // Supports path variables (e.g. {OR...
The ProtocolClOpenAfCompleteEx function completes the opening of an address family (AF) that was started when a CoNDIS client called the NdisClOpenAddressFamilyEx function.Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_CL_OPEN_AF_COMPLETE_EX type. For more information, see the ...
Keep your spending on track 24/7 member support PLUS, our app helps you with... Budgeting Effortlessly manage and understand your NDIS budget with our app. Gain instant visibility and detailed control over each category, making every dollar count for you and your family.Helpful...
Man., the youngest child in an enormous family,., surrounded by love and poverty. Her relationship with her plucky and imagiaative mother proved to be the most important in her life and in manv ofher books the figure of the strong, &ing mother is seei Bs the source of thelife force...
ndis.h header This header is used by network. For more information, see:
The ProtocolClOpenAfCompleteEx function completes the opening of an address family (AF) that was started when a CoNDIS client called the NdisClOpenAddressFamilyEx function.Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_CL_OPEN_AF_COMPLETE_EX type. For more information, see the ...
The ProtocolClOpenAfCompleteEx function completes the opening of an address family (AF) that was started when a CoNDIS client called the NdisClOpenAddressFamilyEx function.Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_CL_OPEN_AF_COMPLETE_EX type. For more information, see the ...
ndis.h header This header is used by network. For more information, see: ndis.h contains the following programming interfaces:
ndis.h header This header is used by network. For more information, see: ndis.h contains the following programming interfaces: