实际上,NDIA managed的意思是NDIS直接管理,因为NDIA的全称是National Disability Insurance Agency,所以翻译过来是代理管理。可以理解为NDIS的代表来管理,因此就是NDIS直接管理。之前说过,大部分华人客户最好不要选择这种方式,因为弊大于利。 🍒 图三:Plan managed 另一种方式是Plan managed,这才是真正意义上的计划管理...
更改重新评估日期 更新资金管理方式,例如从Agency managed改为plan managed 支持需求发生重大变化,需要紧急资金 如果NDIS在计划获得批准后收到需要额外支持的报告或信息 资金需求的小变化,例如辅助设备维修 计划变更的流程 NDIS必须在收到请求后的21天内对你的计划变更请求做出决定。如果他们需要更多时间,他们会在28天内...
Plan management is one of the 4 different options an NDIS participant can choose to manage their NDIS funding (in addition to self-managed, agency-managed, or a combination). Participants can request support from a plan manager at any time. An NDIS plan manager acts as a participant’s ...
one of our plans is agency managed, with a small amount self-managed, so we can access the services of a non-registered NDIS provider. It’s important to understand there is flexibility to change plan management options as you go, based on your circumstances and your ability to access the ...
Supplemental Planmeans a written plan for a child outlining the agency's plan to locate a permanent placement for the child and which may be developed concurrently with the case plan. Steps Planmeans a plan evidenced by Eligible Information contemplating that there will be a series of succession...
I recently joined Kindship Plan Management after being agency-managed and couldn't be happier or more impressed. I received... Dee P Barb is the reason I changed to kindship plan management; she's amazing! She has helped me with so much NDIS stuff, and very soon, I'll be... Carrie...
As Arcondis rapidly expands its Managed Services offering, maintaining the highest level of quality is crucial to building trust with our clients,” Arcondis Global Quality Management head Patrick Zahnow stated. Arcondis is a global professional services and consulting company exclusively focused on ...