meshgrid 函数用来生成网格矩阵,可以是二维网格矩阵。 exp1_1:生成二维网格,用法为:[x y]=meshgrid(a b); % a 和b是一维数组,如a=[1 2 3]; b= [2 3 4]; 则生成的 X 和 Y 都是为 3X3 维的矩阵, >> [x y]=meshgrid(a,b) x = 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 y = 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4...
ndgrid以及meshgrid其实就是将利用坐标轴上的坐标生成一些网格,一维的情况就不存在网格,所以坐标还是坐标;二维的情况,ndgrid的输入是两个矢量,可以看做是分别在x和y轴上的坐标,然后根据这些坐标生成网格点,所以输出肯定是2阶矩阵了。依次类推,可以得到高维的情况。 下面这句话,摘自网络看到的内容:对于网格矢量(gird ...
meshgrid 函数用于生成二维或三维网络坐标。 1.2 语法 [X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y)[X,Y]=meshgrid(x)[X,Y,Z]=meshgrid(x,y,z)[X,Y,Z]=meshgrid(x) [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y) 基于x、y 坐标向量返回二维网络点对应的坐标矩阵。X、Y 为网络点对应维度的坐标矩阵,其中 X 每一行为 x 的一个副本,Y 每一...
meshgrid and ndgrid create grids using different output formats. Specifically, the first two dimensions of a grid created using one of these functions are swapped when compared to the other grid format. Some MATLAB® functions use grids in meshgrid format, while others use ndgrid format, so it...
【摘要】 目录 背景 一维空间中的矩形网格: 二维空间中的矩形网格: 三维空间中的矩形网格: 语法对比 1、在网格域上计算函数: 2、插入数据 背景 本博文主要分析 ndgrid, meshgrid是附送的,都是类似的东西,学会了一个,另一个很容易就理解了。 为什么会对 ndgrid 感兴趣呢?因为对它的不理解,导致我少写了几篇博...
1. meshgrid 1.1 作用 meshgrid 函数用于生成二维或三维网络坐标。 1.2 语法 代码语言:javascript 复制 [X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y)[X,Y]=meshgrid(x)[X,Y,Z]=meshgrid(x,y,z)[X,Y,Z]=meshgrid(x) [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y)基于 x、y 坐标向量返回二维网络点对应的坐标矩阵。X、Y 为网络点对应维度的坐...
meshgridandndgridcreate grids using different output formats. Specifically, the first two dimensions of a grid created using one of these functions are swapped when compared to the other grid format. Some MATLAB®functions use grids inmeshgridformat, while others usendgridformat, so it is common...
meshgridandndgridcreate grids using different output formats. Specifically, the first two dimensions of a grid created using one of these functions are swapped when compared to the other grid format. Some MATLAB®functions use grids inmeshgridformat, while others usendgridformat, so it is common...
meshgridandndgridcreate grids using different output formats. Specifically, the first two dimensions of a grid created using one of these functions are swapped when compared to the other grid format. Some MATLAB®functions use grids inmeshgridformat, while others usendgridformat, so it is common...
meshgridandndgridcreate grids using different output formats. Specifically, the first two dimensions of a grid created using one of these functions are swapped when compared to the other grid format. Some MATLAB®functions use grids inmeshgridformat, while others usendgridformat, so it is common...