J. & W. Incorporated YES No later than 2023-08-03 74839-0001 Hand Sanitizer A. J. & W. Incorporated YES No later than 2022-03-22 74839-0010 Hand Sanitizer A. J. & W. Incorporated YES No later than 2020-09-24 74839-0090 Hand Sanitizer A. J. & W. Incorporated YES No later ...
Allen-Bradley 800T-J2KC7 Selector Switch Type 4,13 SHEET METAL MICROMETER 0-25 HIGH QUALITY VIS OMRON S8PS-15024CD DC Power Supply 3COM SUPER STACK 3C16951 SWITCH 1100 12 PORT AEG M984-230 Programmable Controller NEC EIMI 163-236710 Board ...
THRUST Washer TW-1129J 9-11585-601 CON. ROD Bearing CB-1603GP 9-12271-002 9-12271-608 5-12271-002 8-87011-031 CAMSHAFT PISTON PIN Bearing SH-1163B (No.1) 9-11611-048 (No2.3) 9-11693-035 (No.1) 9-11691-048 (No2.3) 9-11693-035 Bushing PB-1100J 9-12251-059 for 4BA...
Table 7 Unit: mm NDC1N a P Q1 Q S Φ f b P1 X1 M H c L G G1 Φ1 J Z Y 500V≤ >500V 780 704 160 192 192 60 M12 201 970 81-101 400-438 202 255 265 240 - 10.5 180 91 133 20 30 Note: f is the necessary distance for coil replacement. X1 is the Min. clearance...
为应变速率;σ为流动应力;n为应力指数;Q为热变形激活能;R为气体常数,R=8.314 J·(mol·K)-1;T为绝对温度;A、A1、A2、n1、β、α为材料常数, 且α=β/n1。 对式(1)、式(2) 两边同时求导可得:β为ln -σ线性拟合曲...
数据引用方式:吴致蕾, 方修琦*, 叶瑜, 胡志强. 中国北方农牧交错带东段耕地变化数据集 ( 辽、金、元、明时期 )[J/DB/OL]. 全球变化数据仓储电子杂志(中英文), 2023.https://doi.org/10.3974/geodb.2023.08.01.V1. 吴致蕾...
[3]陈之栩,谢开,张晶,等.电网安全节能发电日前调度优化模型及算法[J].电力系统自动化,2009,33(1):10-13.CHEN Zhixu,XIE Kai,ZHANG Jing,et al.Optimal modeland algorithm for day-ahead generation scheduling oftransmission grid security constrained convention dispatch[J].Automation of Electric Power System...
J. Marks, Atom-efficient regioselective 1,2-dearomatization of functionalized pyridines by an earth-abundant organolanthanide catalyst. Nat. Chem. 6, 1100-1107 (2014). doi:10.1038/nchem.2087 MedlineDudnik, A. S.; Weidner, V. L.; Motta, A.; Delferro, M.; Marks, T. J. Ato...
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,与机构j关联的机构k的企业价值也会受损,以此类推。传染停止后会得到一个均衡状态,可用(2)式的均衡解V*来表示。已有文献中对风险传染的均衡状态的计算等同于求(2)式的解,归纳起来,常用方法主要有两种迭代算法:清算向量(clearing ...