工作室主要项目有: Artzon Museum(普利司通美术馆)、2020年东京奥运会体育图标、南京德基广场、9小时胶囊旅馆、建外SOHO北京标识系统、Nissan Motor设计中心logo、Capitalto Heijokyo搬迁计划第1300年周年纪念标识系统、Yokosuka博物馆logo、...
// If it does not return an error, make sure to call shutdown for proper cleanup. func setupOTelSDK(ctx context.Context, config *OTLPConfig, serviceVersion, metricsPrefix string, logger *slog.Logger) (*TelemetryState, error) { state, err := SetupOTelExporters(ctx, config, serviceVersion,...
Table 7 Unit: mm NDC1N a P Q1 Q S Φ f b P1 X1 M H c L G G1 Φ1 J Z Y 500V≤ >500V 780 704 160 192 192 60 M12 201 970 81-101 400-438 202 255 265 240 - 10.5 180 91 133 20 30 Note: f is the necessary distance for coil replacement. X1 is the Min. clearance...
Marvell products are not designed for use in life-support equipment or applications that would cause a life-threatening situation if any such products failed. Do not use Marvell products in these types of equipment or applications. With respect to the products described herein, the user or ...
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...
[18]Sheldriek G M.SHELXL一97,Progr am for Crystal Stru cture Refi ne,~ nt,Univers ity of G6ttingen,GSttingen,Germany, 199 7 . 【19]Nakamoto K.Infrared and Roman Spectra of Inorganic and Coordinat ion Compounds.New Y ork:J ohn Wiley & Sons, ...
市妇联回复:“春蕾计划”公益项目资金支持范围为小学、初中、高中、大学女生。凡符合下列情况之一的困境女童均可申请救助: 1.建档立卡脱贫户、低保家庭 2.主要劳动力缺乏的困难家庭 3.单亲困难家庭 4.孤儿、事实孤儿 5.主要劳动力因病或其他原因受制约的家庭 ...
对此,青岛市教育局作出回复,将积极借鉴其他地市经验,在充分征求多孩家庭、单孩家庭、学校等各方意见的基础上,全面评估实行“长幼随学”政策的可行性。 如今,“长幼随学”成为很多家庭的关切。“多校划片”政策下,孩子“摇”中不同的学校怎么办?因为搬家迁户等原因,二孩去了新学校,大孩能跟着一起转学吗?这些...
临床诊断甲减时,主要看三个指标:血清促甲状腺激素(TSH)、血清游离甲状腺素(FT4)、血清总甲状腺素(TT4)。这三个指标是诊断原发性甲减的第一线指标:当TSH增高,或TT4、FT4降低时,即可诊断原发性甲减。 近些年,随着临床上确诊甲减患者数量的增多,甲减治疗药物被提及...